Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Post-Work Writing Sessions

It is amazing to think that this is the third day in a row that I am honestly so excited to go home after work! Why? I cannot wait to write! Honestly, I'm super excited! Monday, I came straight home to sit myself on the sofa and start writing until my roommate came home. Yesterday, I was obsessed with the idea of coming home to write. Instead, I ended up doing a little cleaning around the house. However, this happens to be a common issue when I get pretty deep in writing. When I'm in deep, I lose track of the world and end up making a little island at my desk. When I get creatively blocked, I clean up, organize and can breathe again once it is back in order. I'm not as far as I typically am in my novel process but I feel that I'm just dusting off the cobwebs that occurred in the past from lack of writing. Today, my parents were at my house cleaning for my inevitable move-out (trust me, they want to get a head start). So, despite listening to the sugar in my veins, I help out cleaning, called my sister to give her a heads up about the parents and talked with my roommate. Now, I'm all settled comfortably on the sofa again, a dvd is queued up and I have a playlist of new music. I'm ready. I'm eager.

I live for these Sugarhigh moments. I am genuinely excited to write. This is my life. This is my love. And I don't want it to change.

So, do not fret if your writing starts to dwindle or you go through some serious droughts. My best friend went through a couple years with barely any writing spurts but she does have those boughs of writing energy. Life will get in your way. There is no way around it. Try your best to push yourself. Write something, anything. Write a blog. Write a journal. Write a diary. Write about how you cannot write. Write just a few short pages. Whatever it is, trust your heart. If you love it, you will not lose it. Just don't put pressure on it. Relax, smile and it will happen.

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